Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 11

Well with the trip pretty much over and just two flights to get home we were all very relaxed and surprised with how smooth the whole trip had been.  As if on cue I started the worst bout of uncontrollable vomiting every seen on Royal Brunei Airlines, this was very strange as I have travelled many times and never experienced this phenomenon.  

This sickness required myself and my very supportive team to forcibly visit the medical quarantine centre in Brunei for treatment.  In true Australian fashion the team refused to board the plane until I was cleared for the next flight.  In this situation you really appreciate your team and their kindness and compassion.

We eventually got on to the next flight which fortunately was almost empty and enabled myself and a few others to sleep and make it back to Perth.  So we made it back with some in better condition than others, but we were all praising God for his daily provisions of travelling mercies, workplace safety and amazing experiences.

Thank you to everyone who was involved in the support of this trip, the overwhelming donations of clothing, childcare products, hand made products, personal finances, time and prayer support made more difference than you can imagine.  Words and pictures alone cannot express the difference your contribution was able to make to disadvantaged children and adults in the Philippines.

Specifically I would like to thank Kerry and Peter Westlake for their efforts in organising the donated items and fundraising events.  The Byford Baptist Members and leadership for the support of this project and those who were able to post encouragement messages on the blog.  

God Bless


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